News Highlights

Undergraduate Honours

St. George students Andres Llano (Scotia Capital Markets Bursary in Philosophy), Hikmat Jamal (Thomas J. Lang Scholarship in Philosophy), Emily (Hayoung) Jin (Sunflower Scholarship), Yiting Tang (John F. M. Hunter Memorial Scholarship), Yazmeen Martens Samadi (George Kennedy Scholarship), Justin Gharibo (John MacDonald Scholarship in Philosophy), and Ethan Millar-Virkutis (Thomas A. Goudge Scholarship in Philosophy) were awarded scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Dina (Konstantina) Anagnostopoulou was presented with the Dr. Danny Goldstick Award.

Ori Gilboa and Emily Hurmizi both received a 2022 University of Toronto Student Leadership Award.

UTM students Breanna Ashkar, Alexde Guzman, Jonathan Yeung, and Matthew Lam were recipients of the Seneca Prize; Melissa Ramsammy and Nicholas Tessier were awarded the Erindale Prize; Isabella Robinson received the André Gombay Prize; Samantha Zikos was recognized with the Jacqueline Brunning Award; Alexde Guzman was awarded the Mississauga Prize.

UTSC students Syed Faateh Ali and Marybel Menzies received research fellowships at the Centre for Ethics and Jackman Humanities Institute, respectively.

Graduate Honours

Kristen Beard, Jack Beaulieu, Alexandra Gustafson, Emma McClure, and Zain Raza were honoured with the inaugural Graduate Student Service Awards, each receiving $1,000 in recognition of their generous efforts toward the department’s ongoing success and internal cohesiveness.

Felix Lambrecht became a School of Cities 2022 Graduate Student Fellow, supporting his work on reparative justice for historical wrongs, and was also named a University of Toronto Alumni Association Graduate Scholar for 2022.

Emma McClure added a 2022 University of Toronto Student Leadership Award to her list of achievements.

Rashad Rehman won the Jonathan Hellmann Best Poster Award at SickKids’ 2021 Bioethics Week with his poster “An Ethical Framework for Intersex Pediatric Surgery (IPS).”

Catherine Rioux received the 2020 David Savan Dissertation Prize for her thesis titled “Rational Hope.”

Hamish Russell was presented the 2021 UTSC Teaching Award for his exceptional contributions as an instructor over the past few years.

Kayla Wiebe was honoured with the 2021 Martha Lile Love Teaching Award for her outstanding work teaching PHL440-Clinical Bioethics.

Defended Dissertations

Steven Coyne, “Liberal Theories of Political Authority” (David Dyzenhaus)

Rory Harder, “Joint Action Communication, with a Focus on Demonstratives” (Imogen Dickie and Nate Charlow)

Natalie Helberg, “Catherine Malabou’s Dangerous Supplement” (Rebecca Comay) Kamil Majcherek, “Medieval Metaphysics of Artefacts, 1250–1500” (Martin Pickavé) Robert Mason, “Leibniz’s Modal Metaphysics” (Marleen Rozemond)

Emma McClure, “Microaggressions, Blame, and Responsibility” (Amy Mullin and Arthur Ripstein)

Damian Melamedoff-Vosters, “The Grounds of Transcendental Idealism” (Nick Stang)

Daniel Munro, “Imagining the Actual” (Jennifer Nagel)

Rachel O’Keefe, “A χαλεπòν καί άμυδρòν είδος: Plotinus’ Theory of Matter” (Lloyd Gerson)

Etye Steinberg, “Unthinkability and the Self” (Philip Clark)

Faculty Honours

David Dyzenhaus has been elected as a Corresponding Fellow to the British Academy in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the humanities.

Jessica Gelberand Julia Nefsky were both promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.

The late Waheed Hussain’s article “Pitting People against Each Other” was selected for inclusion in the prestigious Philosopher’s Annual, a collection of the best philosophy articles published in the year 2020.

Bill Seager emerged as the co-winner of the Principal’s Research Award, the premier award at UTSC, in recognition of his lifetime achievement in philosophy.

Nick Stang was awarded a second term as a Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Metaphysics and Its History.

Trevor Teitel received the 2021 Connaught New Researcher Award for his project “Modality and Spacetime Physics.”

Owen Ware was honoured with the 2021 UTM Annual Research Prize in the Humanities for his outstanding contributions to the study of Kant, German idealism, and 19th-century philosophy.

Jessica Wilson earned the UTSC Research Excellence Faculty Scholars Award for outstanding and innovative world-class research.

Book Publications

David Dyzenhaus, The Long Arc of Legality: Hobbes, Kelsen, Hart (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Joseph Heath, Philosophical Foundations of Climate Change Policy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).

Franz Huber, Belief and Counterfactuals: A Study in Means-End Philosophy, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).

Joshua Glenn and Mark Kingwell, The Adventurer’s Glossary (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021).

Arthur Ripstein, Kant and the Law of War (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021).

Sonia Sedivy, ed., Art, Representation, and Make Believe: Essays on the Philosophy of Kendall L. Walton (Abingdon: Routledge, 2021).

Special Events

For UNESCO World Philosophy Day 2021, we were pleased to welcome Vanessa Wills (George Washington), once again in person, for her stimulating lecture “Why Think Like a Revolutionary?”.

On March 3, 2022, David Wallace (Pittsburgh) delivered to a rapt audience the 2022 Edith Bruce Memorial Lecture on Immortality, titled “Identity, Survival, and Immortality in the Quantum Multiverse.”

The Philosophy Departments at Mississauga and St. George organized another spirited Ontario High School Ethics Bowl, the third of its kind, on March 5–6, 2022.

Cécile Fabre (Oxford) engaged her audience over two days with the 2022 Roseman Lecture in Practical Ethics. Delivered on March 24, 2022, it was titled “‘Snatching Something from Death’: Value, Jusitice, and Humankind’s Common Heritage.”